The animation is good, but this is just so fucking...random. I just...I don't even
I won't let the randomness, or lack of backstory, of this influence the vote, just the animation quality (Too many cliches will lower my vote though, since that shows a lack of originality) .
One cliche to watch out for, by the way, is not to keep introducing characters into a fight for a "ZOMG TWIST!!!1". In what I understand to be a fight between Goku and Sonic, throwing knuckles and Vegeta in there was already pushing it, but when Shadow popped up, I was all "Lol Wut?"
I've seen this cliche countless times in several generic "Mario VS Sonic" flashes, and it always annoys me.
Initial Score: 0/5
Animation Quality: +4.5
Sound quality: -0.5
Originality: -1.0
So with that I give a 3/5