This version implements PHP and MySQL for a user account system and a much more dynamic experience. If you don't want to sign up, and just want the client part of the app, go here. There's also some improvements in basic functionality.
As a recap: The full version saves links onto the cloud so you can access them anywhere. The client version just saves them onto your computer.
You get 5MB worth of space to store your links. Which as I've seen over months of using this, is far more than you'll ever need.
No seriously, I have over 400 links from all those notepad files, and they're only using 1.2% of that 5MB.
- - - - -
Version 1.1.0 [Hosted Version] [Downloadable Version (See end of post for setup instructions)]. Changes the window system to use dynamically generated Iframes
Version 1.0.0 [Use if 1.1.0 doesn't work]. Completely overhauls the previous designs and uses popup windows for the forms, allowing for the Auto Add Link feature to be possible. Since it was redesigned from the ground up, it is also more stable than previous versions.
How do I download the downloadable version?
I did a test run through the instructions, and one minor roadblock was that you get a "403 forbidden page".
The fix is super simple. Ready?
Click the URL bar (the thing that says "http://blahblahblah"), then hit Enter
The file will download
How do I run the downloadable version?
First of all, this is meant to be run on a server, so you need to get XAMPP.
* Linux Instructions.
* Mac Instructions
* Windows Instructions
Linux Instructions
Open a terminal, and navigate to the folder where the archive is. Assuming you didn't move it away from the Downloads folder, you can access it with this command: cd ~/Downloads
The file is supplied as a .tar.gz, and can be extracted in via the following commands:
1: tar xzf Link_Saver_110.tar.gz - this extracts the archive to the current directory
2: cd ./Users/b1kmusic/Sites/ te/Misc/WebApps/ - this changes directory to the newly extracted archive
3: sudo mv Link_Saver_110 /opt/lampp/htdocs - this moves the folder of interest to the localhost directory of XAMPP
Mac Instructions
This is pretty much the same. Mac and Linux are both Unix Like and run a Bash terminal. Just make sure you are administrator, and modify the commands to reflect your case. I.e. remove instances of "sudo" if it isn't recognized, change the /opt/lampp/... paths to /Applications/XAMPP/..., etc.
Windows Instructions
I haven't actually done this on Windows (or OSX, for that matter), but you can easily find applications to extract .tar.gz files in Windows. After that, you can just drag and drop the relevant folder into C:\XAMPP\htdocs
To run...
Now, you can get to the link saver by starting XAMPP and navigating to: http://localhost/Link_Saver_110/
Of course, you can always just use the hosted version.
Some commands might have spaces inserted in them by newgrounds. The only one I can see is in cd ./Users/b1kmusic/Sites/ si te/Misc/WebApps/. You can see the space in "websi te" between 'i' and 't'.