with this javascript feature, php can go $_fuck['itself']. You probably know what I'm talking about, the $_GET[] variable in php :D.
Can also be written as a jQuery Plugin.
function _GET(key, def){
return RegExp('[?&]'+(typeof(key)=='object'?key.key:key )+'=([^#?&]*)').exec(location.href)[1].replace(/
%20|\+|\_/g, ' ')
return tyepof(key)=='object'?(key.def?key.def:key._defa ult?key._default:''):(def?def:'')
}//Just save this into a fucking .js file you skript kiddie, you won't remember it
using Regular expressions and a shit-ton of ternary operation to keep it on one line and allow for function/jQuery syntax, this gets information from the url, ?q=ueer will be proccessed as the string "ueer" ?co=ck_joke&fa=ggot+crunch will automatically have the %20's, _'s, and +'s removed and replaced with actual fucking spaces (google does this, but don't bother searching for it, it's obfuscated to fucking hell)
Anyways, to use this, say you have the url "http://www.dumb-faggot.jewgrounds.com/?title=Wh at%20the%20Fuck"
to retrieve the title, use
var T = _GET('title', 'learn to spell you dumb faggot')
the window will pop up a box saying "What the Fuck"
if you misspelled "title" somehow, you'll get "learn to spell you dumb faggot" instead
Now the ternary part (condition?true:false)...
it allows to type this:
this will also get "joke" from a regular url, and "sucker" from ?cock=sucker&j=f&go=fuckurself
for POST...
use an invisible (css - iframe { border:0px solid white; height:0; width:0 }) iframe + ajax and jquery, duh.
WIKIPEDIAS Will go bankrupt!!!1
U Mad, wikipedos?
If you didn't get it already, I'm implying php is ghey